Sunday, July 29, 2012

Drum Roll, Please!

Brianne and I have mailed 114 press packages and letters to businesses. We've purchased an ad on Facebook that explains the campaign and how to save the show. We've emailed or messaged 370 ghost hunting groups, children's groups, niche groups and more.

But you know what the most rewarding part was?

Making cake pops to sell at Bridget, Kristie and Ryan's Epic Yard Sale.

Okay... actually... Brianne made the cake pops... but I ate one... maybe two ;)

The final tally of funds for the team sitting on Bridget's lawn, talking, laughing, playing games and reading while we talked up the show to everyone who stopped by and made change for the buyers? $325 for two days.

$325 for getting to know each other more.

$325 for sharing spaghetti, pizza and ice cream.

$325 for emptying out crowded rooms, garages and closets.

The entire epic team thanks Bridget for the great idea and hosting it all; Jackie for supplying so many great items and pricing and re-pricing over and over again; Ryan, Kristie, Faith and Maxwell for melting in the sun; Cris for bringing Charlie who made everyone laugh; Brianne for making the cake pops and plugging her computer into the extension cord so she could keep working while being with everyone; all the strangers who followed the signs and loved our cause... and, I guess, thanks to me, Jennifer :) For... buying and eating two cake pops ;)