Saturday, May 5, 2012

Join the Sniffer Wiki!

Did you know that the "Ghost Sniffers" wiki has finally opened to the public? Yay! Though information has yet to be added to the wiki (though it has been scheduled), you can join now and use the wiki's messaging system to talk to cast, crew and other fans of the series. To join, follow these steps carefully:

1. Go to
2. Click "Sign In" in the upper righthand corner of the webpage.
3. A pop up window will open. Click the "Create a new Wikispaces account" link.
4. Choose and type in an username and a password. Then type in your email address. Under "Make a Wiki?" select "No." Click the Join button.
5. Go to your email. You will see an email message from Wikispaces asking you to confirm your email address. Click the link in the email and confirm your email.
6. After your email is confirmed, go to
7. In the upper lefthand corner of the page, click "Join now" and a pop-up window will appear. You may be asked to sign in with your username and password. Next, click "Request Membership."
8. A Ghost Sniffers staff member will approve your membership within 24 hours and you'll receive an email welcoming you :)