Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dear Sniffer Fans,

This is just an open invitation -- the very best kind. If anyone would like to join the final episode of Season 1 -- where little Forge and her allies face the Monster Bunny -- you are now cordially invited. Sunday, June 10, from 9AM to 5PM. You can come as late as 10AM if you like and leave whenever you're bored :) Because the shoot is over four hours, we'll be serving pizza, juice-stick drinks (my favorite!) and cookies galore :) Almost the entire cast and crew will be there.

How should you dress? Colorful! And you'll need... pom poms! You'll be cheering for Team Forge as they battle the Monster Bunny in an epic game of baseball. Want to write a cheer for the scene? Go for it! I'll have everyone chant your cheer and work it into the episode. Your pom poms can be rainbow colored or any color at all -- as long as they aren't all white (white is the Bunny's color). You can make your pom poms from colored paper or buy them or borrow them. They can be HUGE or tiny or anything you want. Even Dollar Store pom poms are welcome :)

And guess what else? Your parents, siblings and friends are invited too ;) Yep. The only requirement is pom poms.

Last thing, everyone :) Make sure to RSVP by text (360-550-2071) or email (ghostsniffers@gmail.com) because I want to make sure to have enough cookies!! (Okay, and pizza and drinks, too.)

In admiration and love,
(your hard-working director)