Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's News

The feature film (LOL!) that is Episode 3 has finally been assembled with visual effects, music, sound effects and transitions. Now I need to view this rough cut and give Brianne my dreaded notes :)

In the past, we've uploaded this draft so that a version of the episode reaches viewers as soon as possible but we've decided to stop that practice primarily because so many of our viewers really rely on the closed captioning and the CC can't be done accurately until we have a final draft. To be fair to them, we'll all wait and watch together :)

So, yes, we'll be working on Valentine's but it will be together as a family and only for the first part of the day. I know that today, more than once, I'll find myself thinking about Jack and Oceana... "Ghost Sniffers" most romantic couple ever :)