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After Season 1, no cast or crew member will ever be asked to donate to "Ghost Sniffers." Never asked to hold a yard sale, sell donuts on the sidewalk, or pawn her mountain bike. As someone who has personally funded more than four thousand dollars of the show, I'm not shy to say, it would be nice to not carry that burden.
It is our responsibility -- as a team dedicated to reaching kiddos everywhere -- to fund Season 1... but after that? After that, the funding will be in the hands of a producer -- who isn't an actor, a crew member, or a DiMarco :) So...
Shall we get this over with, friends? As the song says, "We just wanna make the world dance!" Let's get the money part wrapped up and shipped off to someone who does this fund-raising stuff professionally with corporate sponsors and fancy methods. Then we can concentrate on making great stories, well told adventures, and epic quests :)
Look at these numbers:
To raise our goal of $2895, we need...
579 people to donate $5
290 people to donate $10
193 people to donate $15
We have 35 "Ghost Sniffers" actors who appear in Episodes 8 through 12. We'd reach our goal if each of those actors had:
17 friends donate $5
9 friends donate $10
6 friends donate $15
When you break it down like that, it seems like funding Season 1 will be a walk in the park. And a nice park, too! On a nice day!!
So help build the buzz, friends. Talk up the show. Make a flyer and send people to the website (there are lots of "Donate" buttons there). Write letters. Make phone calls. Like Kristie says at the end of the video that posted with the KickStarter campaign, "We need a few good heroes."
Be a hero.