Friday, July 13, 2012

Monster Pins for All Heroes!!

 I know that folks like to think of KickStarter like eBay. You bid. You take a gamble. You win when a project wins! I have supported complete strangers through KickStarter for some wonderful rewards... and just for the joy of helping someone reach their dreams. And it is kinda fun to come in at the last moment and be that hero who pushes a project over the top so it funds :)

But you know what? I have a kiddo living with me (who shall remain nameless... but who has blue eyes) who turns on his computer every morning and goes to our last KickStarter campaign. Then, every thirty minutes or so, he checks the page... and click refresh.

And I know for a fact he isn't the only kiddo doing this.

Even if you can only donate $5 (skipping your morning latte and donut), go for it. Don't wait until the last day of the campaign. Be a hero today -- because it doesn't take hundreds of dollars to secure hero status :) Plus, if you want? You can always donate again; KickStarter allows pledges to be raised as often as you like.

 Let's give these kiddos something to cheer about when they click refresh -- and here's something for you to smile about:

For every hero who pledges $10 or more between today and Monday, July 16, at 11pm, I will personally send them a monster pin -- immediately! So even if the project doesn't fund, you get your monster pin. Because, just like Maxo, you will have earned your sniffs! Your monster pin will be a badge of pride. A hero pin! Come on... *wink* know you want one :D