Monday, July 16, 2012

Is "Ghost Sniffers" Ending?

My inbox was suddenly stuffed with messages asking if the show was ending. Please let me clarify for everyone. The answer is yes and no.

We're running our last fundraising campaign ( If the campaign funds, all of Season 1 will post online and Season 2 will be able to move forward and secure a producer -- so no more fundraising ever, ever again. Yay!

If the campaign isn't successful, then "Ghost Sniffers" will officially close. The seven episodes we've finished will stay on the website but production won't move forward on the remaining episodes or on Season 2. The crew here will have to turn their attention to other projects to recoup their financial investment in the show.

Whether or not the campaign is successful, we will move forward and make the music video (which was funded by Christopher Harris). The finished video will be posted on the website. Should a series producer step forward to take on the show's corporate and business fundraising, he or she would then start working on Season 1 instead of Season 2.

The best thing any of us can do right now is either donate to the campaign (even $5 brings us closer), or post the link to the campaign on your Facebook, or email it to friends and family. The campaign is run through KickStarter and their rules are that unless we fund completely ($3000) we receive nothing and the pledgers are never charged a penny. We've already past the $500 mark and we still have 25 days to go. We all feel very hopeful but we would appreciate your help to spread the word.

Thank you all and I hope this clarifies the situation :) May we continue making "Ghost Sniffers" together for many, many years to come.
