Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hero Susan! Break Those Stereotypes!

Long, long ago (okay, not THAT long ago) in Basking Ridge, NJ, there was a long-haired girl named Cris. She went to high school with lots of people and she was nice. Huh. Fancy that! Year later, she re-found many of her high school friends on a little website called Facebook. Facebook was strange. It had this weird thing called "friending" and everybody ran around "liking" everybody else. But what did it mean?!

Then, one day, Cris needed help. Real help. Not just supportive words but, well, you know... money. It was for a kids' show. A kids' show with a great big cast that supports each other and really cares about each other. A show that was going to end unless it could raise $3,000,000... oh, wait. Not three million. It just needed to raise $3,000.

So Cris sat. And Cris thought. She thought about her friends. If she lived near them, she would take them out to coffee. She wouldn't think twice about buying their latte. She wouldn't think twice about buying them an ice cream cone on a hot day. Could she simply write to her closest and dearest friends from way "back in the day," and ask them: Would you mind, just $5. To help support this show, about these kids, who I love so much.

But that would be hard to do. NO ONE likes to ask their friends for money. NO ONE likes to ask for help when lots of people have it rough right now. But you know what? Cris did. Just little notes. Personal notes. Not marketing. Not press releases. And she even said: Please, if you can't do $5, would you post a link on your Facebook page? Would you help spread the word for these kids?

And you know what else? Hero Susan is one of those friends. Not a stereotypical "Facebook friend" who barely knows your name. Susan is a real friend... who just happens to have reconnected with Cris on Facebook. So... thank you, Susan. And thank you, Cris.

Because it isn't fun to ask people for money. I, personally, hate it. But it would be way worse to watch this show end. Have you done everything you can? Or do you just assume that your friends won't step up? Don't assume. Let them surprise and amaze you. An hour of writing personal messages with the campaign link Just an hour. Would it be worth it to watch our goal fly by the half way point?

Step out of your comfort zone. Kristie did. Faith did. Maxwell does every time he steps on set. Show them how brave they are.