Thursday, June 28, 2012

Season 1 Trailer... with Real Tears

Tuesday, I wrote the special KickStarter trailer for Season 1 of "Ghost Sniffers." Our goal is to create an awesome KickStarter campaign to tie up Season 1 and get the rest of the episodes finished and posted online. The trailer itself was fun to write -- boiling down the spirit of the show and the major points of Season 1 while showing the audience flashes of almost all the characters. Though it was a little tricky to focus and make the trailer Forge-centric (since I've shifted into the ensemble theme of Season 2). The hard part was that, for KickStarter, I needed to splice the trailer with scenes of the cast and crew talking directly to the camera and explaining the heart of "Ghost Sniffers" -- a show about kids and monsters, disabilities and super abilities.

Though most of the KickStarter videos that I've seen have just the director talking to the community, I asked Maxwell, Faith, Kristie, and Bridget to join me. I wanted to expand the cast even further but I had to stay true to Season 1 so Forge, Maxo and Spark seemed the best choices. I wrote the direct-to-camera sequences with the theme "moms" in mind. Why do moms do this? Why do we work so hard for our kids? How do moms feel about "Ghost Sniffers"? How do moms with special kids feel when they see their kids on the show? Do we feel sad... angry... frustrated... nervous?

Neither Bridget nor I got through the shoot without tears and Brianne, as the director and cinematographer, and Cris, as the boom mic operator, were very patient. I think Faith, Kristie and Maxwell just rolled their eyes at us and talked about how many sticks were stuck to my butt (we were all sitting on the porch) -- LOL! Over all, the shoot was a success (or so Brianne announced) but I think Bridget and I are glad it's "in the can."

The KickStarter campaign will launch in a few short weeks -- in the mean time, Brianne and I will be finished Episode 7, and Brianne will be editing down Episodes 2, 3 and 4 to 30 minutes -- and you'll all get to see the trailer :) Were we just two weepy moms or did we sum up with "Ghost Sniffers" is all about? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.