Saturday, June 23, 2012

Countdown: 5... 4... 3... 2... 1!

Sometimes parents say things they regret. Such as: Won't it be fun to hike to that location again in June when the weather is so good?! June weather isn't always good. Often, it turns out, June weather is just as pouring down rain awful as December weather :) But hike we did and shoot we did... the last shots of Episode 12. Incredibly, we have done what everyone said we couldn't and what so many others have only dreamed about. We shot an entire season of a show. And guess what? Today, almost as if he knew, Brett Cihon's front page feature on "Ghost Sniffers" ran in the Port Orchard Independent ( Even though we drove four hours to hike for an hour in the freezing rain and get souked to the skin before the camera was even "rolling"... we did it. And Brett really captured the show's spirit. It's a spirit that all of you who have supported us throughout have already seen, and now thousands of readers of the Indepdent will join you. Thank you for taking this journey with me. And now? Some sleep :)