Thursday, June 14, 2012
Episode 6 through 12 Premiere
We're getting a lot of questions about when the second premiere will be. Of course, the most deciding factor is when will the episodes be done. Episodes 6 through 11 have been completely filmed. However, these episodes have not been edited or scored (the soundtrack -- music and soud effects). Episode 12 still has several days of shooting. I had originally thought we only needed three more days but it looks like we'll need six due to travel to Fort Worden and elaborate makeup and costume changes. Either way, Episode 12 will wrap very soon.
So starting in July, keep your eye on the website widgets that track the goals for each episode. These funds are what reimburse costs that have been covered such as prop purchases, transportation, food and water, and permits. As each goal is met -- by fans, family of actors, independent businesses who support us -- then we shift into production of that episode. Episodes take five to seven days to complete. As each episode is completed, they will post online. Episodes 7 through 11 need to post online before the premiere; Episode 12 can show for the first time at the premiere.
Now, of course, I have no idea how quickly the episodes will fund. But it seems that we'll be looking at late in September. The theater we work with allows us to rent the space on any day Monday through Thursday. We pay for the space before hand. Once Episodes 7 through 10 are edited, I will reserve the theater and add a place to purchase premiere tickets to the website. Remember that if you used a free ticket to the first premiere, you will not be issued a second one unless you appeared as a different character in the second half of Season 1. Tickets will be $10. The premiere event will be 3pm to 9pm. Episodes 7 through 12 will be shown in their entirety :)
We will give everyone as much notice as possible so please follow the blog as I announce when goals have been met and when various episodes post.