The second day of shooting the final scenes of Season 1 has drawn to a close at last at just before midnight. Today we started the day with a rather surprising turn of events, actually. Not shooting scenes for Season 1 but leaping ahead to Season 2 -- Episode 11! And let me share, friends, if all of Season 2 is as good as this scene was? We're in for a whole new level of entertainment.
Brett Cihon of the Port Orchard Independent came and conducted an interview with some of the cast and crew about "Ghost Sniffers" and the forthcoming workshop. On set were Kristie (Spark), Kyra (Xyra), Maxwell (Maxo) and Faith (uh... Forge!) -- all of which are not just Season 1 and Season 2 actors but also will be workshop attendees so the mix was perfect. Crew on set was our Season 1 producer, Cris, and our editor, Brianne, who today was the boom mic operator :) Moms on set (never to be overlooked, darn it!) were Bridget and Dee.
It was a first "Ghost Sniffers" interview for Kristie, Kyra and their moms and I think they all learned a lot. It's hard to not talk over each other, interrupt one another, and to try to keep answers concise and on-topic. But (as I learned as a pokey teenage novelist) the only way to get good at interviews (with others or alone) is to keep doing them :) The awesome thing about today was that Brett was a pleasure to have on set, a friendly and creative presence.
After we'd shot our special Season 2 scene (which will be used at the end of a Season 1 trailer used in the proposal package for interviewing new producers), Brianne whisked Faith away to change her into her costume and make up for her Season 1, Episode 12 scenes. Her work today included stunts (not unlike Episode 1) and six pages of stand alone and close up shots that will be spliced into earlier footage.
One cool (super secret *wink*) scene included our first ever use of a multi-filter that fractured the image into three. Wow did that look cool!
Just three more days to go and Season 1 will be completely wrapped. *gulp* How will I ever script the music video in a week before the workshop begins and there's so much prep?! Hm... I might have to pull a few all-nighters! All together now:
Sleep?! What's sleep?! :D