Sunday, May 6, 2012
The First "Ghost Sniffers" Comic!
Ready... set... read! The first in a series of twelve comics that provide origin and back stories for your favorite characters has posted to the website with instant download. There will be twelve comic issues that take place between the normal episodes in the series. The comic issues will be called "episodes" and the first one available is "Episode 9.5: Finding Cupcake." As the 9.5 indicates, "Finding Cupcake" takes place between Episode 9, "Dime a Dozen," and Episode 10, "Once Upon an Ever After."
You may be wondering why Episode 9.5 is being released first -- even before Episode 9 airs! The comic issues promise NO spoilers whatsoever. What they do offer is sneak peeks in what's to come and great stories. Episode 9.5 actually includes mentions (and panels) of the Ryan and Ryan Twins, Bianca Ice, Moonlight Mitchell, Spark, Gogo, Skully, and Terminator, not to mention Forge, Maxo, Maximilian... and Cupcake ;)
Another cool fact about this first series of twelve comics is that though 9.5 was written and illustrated by Jennifer DiMarco, other episode issues will be written and illustrated by other members of the "Ghost Sniffers" cast and crew. This means you'll see different styles of artwork and story telling -- though everything will be approved by Jennifer before publication, of course!
Last but not least, the comics will be made available first in ebook bundles for Kindle, Nook, PC and iPad, then in print copy. That's something for everyone!