It's official. All the footage has been secured, inventoried and confirmed; Episode 7, "Apple & Eve," wrapped today and we wasted no time, moving right into filming Episode 8, "Wild Things Waking." We'll shoot EP8 scenes for the next four days -- including the free gala Mother's Day filming event open to all! -- and then wrap EP8 with a flourish before moving (you guessed it) right into Episode 9, "Dime a Dozen." For the very first time, we're filming back to back to back all month and into June so the entirety of Season 1 will be shot before July sneaks up on us :)
But back to Episode 7...
So, we've secured the footage. But when will the episode post online? That all depends on you ;) The widget on the first page of the website shows (as of today) that we're still $229 short for our funding goal for "Apple & Eve." Once this funding goal is met, we'll move the episode into post production and -- tada! -- seven days later (or sooner) the episode will post online for everyone to enjoy. That's the way it works; very simple really :)
Spread the word on Facebook, through your own blog, or even write to a local paper! Email, text or call Cris and ask, "Hey, Cris, how can I help that awesome 'Ghost Sniffers' raise money?" We're all working together as a team to make the show; let's work as a team to fund the show.