Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Filming on the Water
It's strange and wonderful how life happens. When Maxwell was a toddler and Faith was in my belly, I wrote a short film that was very grown up. It involved a young woman (college age) who has made herself very unhappy and she makes a wish that she comes very quickly to regret. The entire film takes place on one night as this young woman rides home from an arts college where she is a student. The film was never made even though it won a cool contest primarily because I lacked the equipment and my life was about to become very complicated with Faith's birth. I was okay with that because, as most of you know, I think of myself as a writer first.
This past Sunday, I found myself riding the same ferry where that film was set, filming Maxwell and Faith for Episode 7 AND Episode 10 of "Ghost Sniffers." What a strange and wonderful full circle. How interesting the way life changes us. The first film was dark, and sad, and cautionary. Forge and Maxo are bright lights in a cast of bright, joyous lights. It was hectic to shoot scenes for two episodes during a single ferry ride and surprisingly expensive ($30 for a skeleton crew) but as we were waiting for the right wind change or the spume to be just perfect, I will admit that I found myself looking around, framing shots for a much more grown up film -- that little film that never happened.
And you know what? I think I owe Maxwell an Faith a huge thank you -- no, wait. I owe ALL of you a huge thank you. Because by making "Ghost Sniffers" with me, you have all allowed me to dream these dreams again, to see the world in terms of good story, well told :)
Thank you, cast and crew. You're the best.