Can it be true? Yes, it is :) All the filming for Episode 9 is secured. Even when our two-day shoot stretched over this crazy-weather weekend and we had to write the rain into the script, all the actors were positive and worked incredibly hard. Enough pizza was consumed to keep the pizza industry running for years and good will was abound.
Ralph, who plays the ghost hunter named Terminator, shared a cool story about how, after he was cast to fight to Monster Bunny, he had a evening of strange occurrences -- bizarre phone calls, objects falling over. He called it the curse of the Monster Bunny. But once Ralph accepted the role, the strange events stopped :)
Keeli, who plays Bianca Ice, brought a beautiful handmade gift for a new cast member named Cupcake ;) If you've read Issue 9.5 of the "Ghost Sniffers" comic, you know who Cupcake is and that she loved her bandana with a bedazzled cupcake.
Marcee stayed in good spirits even when she had to stand and scream up into a sky dumping rain on her -- that's a skill, folks!
Breanne stayed smiling even when a split screen shot required her to balance on a porch edge and squat four inches to make her twin ghost hunters the same height! (And when she had to change clothes about a dozen times to keep switching between characters.)
Kristie never once complained when wonderful Spark was paired up with the twit Maximilian (but that's probably because Kristie loves the Maximilian character!), and Ryan, the tricky Purple Imp, was very gentle when he attacked Maximilian!
As always, Faith found the shoot long, cold and boring (LOL!) but she loved socializing with all her acting friends. And, also as always, Maxwell blew everyone away with his memorization abilities, his 100% dedicated acting, and his quick-change skills :D
Onward to Episode 10!