"Ghost Sniffers" is searching for several locations for upcoming episodes. Locations need to be donated (free to use) but we do thank location owners by personal and business name in the credits of the episode and can even provide contact information and a logo to help publicize the location, if desired. We also send a free DVD of the episode that the location appears in and a certificate of thanks :) The locations needed are:
--A hallway lined with lockers (like at a school). Three hours or less.
--A classroom with desks and a whiteboard or blackboard. Five hours or less.
--A gym with bleachers. Two hours or less.
--An auditorium (stage and seats) of any size. No light operator needed, just someone to turn on basic stage lights and house lights. Three hours or less.
--A dance studio of any size (we really just need to use one of two rooms). Five hours or less.
--A living room with a couch and armchairs. Two hours or less.
Please email or call if you have any ideas or personal contacts!