Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 12 Screening is a GO!

Nothing worth celebrating (really, nothing worth doing at all) comes without effort. And usually, we're not talking about a small effort :)

By the incredibly hard work and support of Rebecca, Kyra, Bridget, Anne, Carol and Cris, we sold the tickets we needed to pay for the Dragonfly Theater. This means that the event can happen and that all funds earned at the vendor table (the sale of DVDs, scripts, marshmallow krakens, mini Boo flashdrives, plush krakens, and posters) can be folded right into Episode 7 (just like the sales at the premiere funded Episode 6).

I would also like to thank those of you who have been helping Cris secure locations and actors for the forthcoming episodes (and also did their best to help spread the word about the screening) -- Sarah, Marie, Mark, Jessica, and Connie.

It isn't easy to sell things or secure spaces for free. It's not easy to sell cookies, tickets, anything -- even for a good cause. It doesn't take a salesperson -- someone slick and pushy. It takes someone who exudes sincerity and a dedication to the project. Someone who can transfer their own real excitement to another person. You can't buy, bribe or create people like this. They are either on your team or not.

I feel so blessed so have angels like these.
