Monday, April 9, 2012

April 12 Screening... Cancelled?

In 24 hours we'll know whether the April 12 screening will be cancelled. We're within twenty tickets of our break-even goal so our fingers are crossed and we're calling friends, family and even enemies ;) Heck, we might even be calling complete strangers picked randomly out of the phone book!

*ring ring*
"Hi! This is Jennifer at Ghost Sniffers. Would you like--"

Hm... they hung up. I'll try again.

*ring ring*
"Yo! You want to attend the Ghost Sniffers screening for just $6.25?"
"You'll pay me $6.25 to go to the movies?"
"Err... well, I was hoping you'd pay the $6.25 to help pay for the theater space."
"I don't believe in sniffing."

Okay. One more call then...

*right ring*
"Who is this?"
"Uh, Jennifer at Ghost Sniffers."
"What do you want?"
"I have twenty half price tickets to the last big screen showing of Ghost Sniffers, Episodes 1 through 6. Would you like to buy one for about the price of a latte?"
"I can't live without my latte."
"Yeah, I often can't either. But this is a really good cause."
"When is it?"
"This Thursday night."
"I clean my stove on Thursdays."
"Oh. I understand. ... Wait! What if I come clean your stove?!"
"Fine. But I only want one ticket."
"Great! Thanks!!"

Whew! Now we only have to sell nineteen more tickets! Hm... I wonder how you clean a stove. Will Windex do the trick? ;)