Yep :) You read that right. Two days to write the Episode 5 script and make it (do we have this part memorized yet?) *better than the last one.* Can we do it? We just raised almost $1000 in 24 hours! We. Can. Do. Anything!
One of the best parts about being about to dive into Episode 5 (though, to be honest, I outlined the episode a few days ago in the middle of the night by writing on my pillow case in ball point... no, I'm not kidding -- kids! Never write on your pillow case until you're a grown up mommy or daddy doing all the laundry... or your ideas might get washed off before you have a chance to photocopy them!) is that I'm not writing alone any more :)
Faith is writing (in the voice of Forge -- her version of Forge) at A Whiff of the Sniff. Faith is crafting mini investigations complete with clients, assistants, sniffs, and scents :) She has challenged herself to write one every day (which I think is huge for a nine year old who doesn't write stories naturally) but I'll be thrilled if she writes even one a week. Actually, I'm proud of her just posting her very first *applause* Good work, Faith Aoibhinn.
And Maxwell wants me to remember that he's been writing in the voice of that wicked and wooly Maximilian for more than a month at Talk Amongst Yourselves: The Greatest Forge. His biting and super pokey lifestyle blogs are styled to be ridiculously mean and Maxwell says that's what fun about them because he (Maxwell) doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Plus, he says, Maximilian's meanness just hides his utter stupidity. LOL!
Is there anyone else out there who would like to officially blog in-character? If so, drop me an email!