To prove that directors are not immune to all things, I confess I am fighting a stupid rainy day cold :( But the show must go on!
First up for today was paying some bills; always good for a laugh, yeah? :)
Barreling ahead, fortified with Vitamin C and CS (chicken soup), I sat with Brianne and reviewed the rough cut of Episode 3 one last time. Since I'm in a confessional mood, I will also admit that reviewing rough cuts has, in the past, been something I dreaded. After days of writing and envisioning, then days of shooting, then even more days of tweaking and editing and polishing, no one wants to see or hear that something isn't quite right. Though Brianne and I have never come to blows or even shouting, we have resorted to long, silent glares and a certain gnashing of teeth, that would surely destroy the friendship between any two people less dedicated to "Ghost Sniffers."
However, today was totally and thoroughly different. There wasn't a single glare, our teeth are ungnashed, and neither of us made my trademarked angry tisking sound even once. Progress!
It took us about an hour and a half to watch, pause, discuss and notate the episode into perfection and as I write these words, Brianne is implementing the changes, polishing the CC track and readying the HD file for upload. Today? Tomorrow? Probably tomorrow because the processing of the final HD file actually takes many hours of processing then there's several hours to upload. You'll know we're in the final stretch when the thumbnail image for the episode gets uploaded to the front page of the website :)
I've had questions about the next two episode -- Episode 4 and 5. They will absolutely NOT take so long to upload because, in short, they aren't as long :)