Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Welcome, David! (And Angela and Meg!)

"Ghost Sniffers" welcome actor David S. Hogan for Episode 3. David, who is my beloved brother-in-law, has been an professional actor as long as I've known him and even met my baby sister when rehearsing for a theatre production!

Speaking of my baby sister! Also a professional actor from a very young age, my sister, Angela DiMarco, has agreed to appear with her BFF, talented actor Meg McLynn, in Episode 9. Just one hint: They will make you laugh. Hard! We're overflowing with talent here :)

But back to David and Episode 3. I knew that David could play the first solely dramatic role in "Ghost Sniffers." That's right. Episode 3 takes a twist (and a risk!) to show that we can deal with serious topics while staying true to the silly wonder that is "Ghost Sniffers." Episode 3 marks a flip in the series when we first foreshadow the incredible, epic adventure -- the overall story arch for Season 1-- that is to come.

We promise to always have fun investigations... but there is more lurking in the world of the paranormal that little Forge is going to face head-on.

Join us to usher in this new era. Watch Episode 3 on January 27 and stay tuned here for updates on shooting.
