The storm has won. Well, we're not waving a white flag, but we were truly snowed onto the property today with now plowed roads in sight and the ruler stuck in the snow showing a foot of accumulation. So, instead of shooting, today we recorded 137 voice over lines! LOL! A little out of order (since we normally finish all shooting before production days begin) but making the most of every moment.
If you're familiar with "Ghost Sniffers," you know how much I love voice overs (or over voices, depending on what I feel like calling them that day). I suppose this comes from the fact that my first love (and my first medium) was the novel, then theatre -- both before film. I *know* that film is all about the visual, the image, the action. *shrug* But I like the *words.* And so, voice overs get high billing.
I did have to break down and contact our actors waiting to shoot their roles for Episode 3. There's simply no way we can all safely get to our locations with this weather. I'm trying to push shooting the final day with the actors (the actors who live outside the house, that is) to Sunday the 28th because Sunday is usually the only day people have free. We have two more days shooting with Faith and Brianne, but they're mine weekdays, too :) We'll get those days done as soon as the snow isn't over Faith's boots!
What does it all mean? It means we'll have to push back our air dates and the theatrical screening. *sigh* But guess what? Snow happens to all of us :)