Maxwell is under strict orders to rest and be calm. Can he act? Only if he's acting calm! Done!
Today we shot on the home property, shaking our fists (calmly) at the continuing rain but sneaking in 10 shots in 15 takes between cloud bursts. Maxwell was not allowed in any room that wasn't heated and without drafts, and wasn't allowed outside at all. We creatively shot him through doorways and windows, earning us huge smiles from Maxwell as he ceased to worry that the show would leave him behind (never Maxo!).
After a dinner of chicken three ways and much honeyed, hot tea, we dove into the over voice recording. Faith had 91 lines as two characters. Cris had 18 lines as three character. Maxwell (calmly) recorded 20 lines as three characters and Brianne recorded 14 lines as two. Even me, usually exclusively behind the scenes, helped out by taping 7 lines with three characters -- a monster plant, a chipmunk, and a raven. It was a very productive day broken up with nebulizer breaks very four hours and herbal tea at the ready.
We're in the 11th hour for Episode 2 and going strong despite the weather. As a matter of fact, Episode 2 will post online (at the same day that our KickStarter campaign for Episode 3 ends -- just in time to start work on Episode 3 if the KickStarter campaign is successful. The "trick," of course, is that unless we meet our goal (one of the lowest in our category at KickStarter) then we don't see a penny of the pledges (the sponsors aren't actually charged unless the entire goal is promises). Are we hopeful? Eight days to go. We're at $355 now. Yes, we're always hopeful.