Today is all about regrouping and building new sets -- the last sets needed for Episode 2. We're certainly in the homestretch and right on track for the January 6 launch of the episode.
For those of you following the evolution of the production scorecard (how many takes we shoot in order to get that perfect shot), here's the current breakdown: Day 6 shooting Episode 2 was the 22nd with three shots in four takes. Day 7 shooting Episode 2 was the 23rd with 56 amazing shots captured in 75 takes. The 25th were shot a scene for Episode 4 so we won't count that in our overall ratio for Episode 2 but, for the curious, it involved 21 shots captured in 26 takes. Episode 2 scorecard average is now 1.47:1, down from 1.77:1. Aren't numbers grand? :)