Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

We shot four hours indoors in our "homemade conservatory" on the 22nd. The faux conservatory window/wall hung behind $100 of tropical and board-leafed plants actually looks better than the sparse backdrops we were finding in the actual conservatories. Score ten for Team Ghost Sniffers! We knew having an 800 square foot open studio space would pay off.

Next we shot two hours of "special footage" on the 23rd to show little Faith Forge, dressed as a bumblebee, traveling across the State of Washington on her Razor scooter (in appropriate protective gear, of course). The suspension bridge was chilly but the pale winter sunlight glinted off the almost smooth, glass-like surface of the Narrows and was breathtaking.

We even squeezed in an hour of explosives work on the 23rd which was alarmingly fun! With help from fire arm and explosive expert, my awesome mom, Carol DiMarco, we blew up two small tropical plants, one stunt doll (as a trail run) and the actual plush prop that meets its demise in Episode 2. Afterwards, Faith snuck in and stole the plushie, spending two hours with a needle and thread that night stitching up in the entrance and exit wounds so the creature could join her impressive collection of stuffed animals. Life after a shotgun attack does exist.

The 24th was actually a day off. I know. We're slackers.

But we're back to work today, the 25th, Christmas Day! One of our actors, my aunt, Joannie DiMarco, who has a naturally elegant, classy, tough-chick demeanor and appearance, has flown in for the holiday and we're jumping on the opportunity to cast and shoot her as Forge's "get over it" therapist for Episode 4. We'll shoot that scene today... then collapse with hot eggnog and turkey.