Friday, October 28, 2011

"Ghost Sniffers" Shooting in Washington State

“Ghost Sniffers” is More than a Dramedy about Ghost Hunting
Nine year old star speaks out about diabetes, autism and more.
What does fear smell like? Is it acrid and bitter, murky or musty or moldering? Or does fear smell like crayons, white glue, glitter and green Jello? Nine year old Faith Aoibhinn DiMarco stars as Faith Forge in “Ghost Sniffers,” a scripted comedy written by novelist and playwright Jennifer DiMarco and filled with bizarre locales and wacky assistants. Investigating haunted cat carriers, lighthouses and goat nostrils, Forge hunts ghosts to collect their noxious scents. Aided, abetted, and consistently annoyed by a bevy of hired help, Forge puts up with a gadget nerd, a skeleton mom, and a big brother who thinks he’s a Chihuahua, all in her quest to cop an attitude and stare down any phantom that won’t “give up the sniff.”

“Ghost Sniffers,” created by Blue Forge Productions, is centered on the faux paranormal and began filming across Washington State in October 2011. But ghost hunting isn’t the only thing on star Faith Aoibhinn DiMarco’s mind. Faith was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes (juvenile, insulin dependent Diabetes) at eighteen months old. For Faith, “Ghost Sniffers” is a way to show how strong Type 1 has made her while she provides a new, willowy superhero.

As Faith meets with producers and potential investors and braves reportedly haunted locations across Washington State, she exhibits a reservation and maturity beyond her years and is obviously motivated by more than starring in her own show. Faith was instrumental in adding a series of public service announcements about Type 1, Autism (her brother, also cast in the show, is autistic), and the importance of art in our public schools.

Both Faith Forge and Faith Aoibhinn DiMarco are role models for all young girls. The fact that the character and the actor both have Type 1, only makes them more powerful. "Ghost Sniffers" presents a wry, witty dramedy with an impressively eclectic and diverse cast.

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