Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dear Cast

Dear Kiddos and Teens Alike,

I have never lost faith in you. I have always kept hope. We are less than $50 away from our goal and we still have seven days to go. Do you know what this means?

It means that 41 different people believe in you, too.

What you're doing by working together, supporting each other and crafting this show is nothing short of a testament to what your generation can do and what all people can do who truly believe in a project.

You all know that we need $3000 to continue. And you know that the KickStarter process will take 10% of whatever we make here. But please understand that whether or not we make a penny over $3000, Brianne and I will pay the difference with joy and with the honor of being able to continue to work with you all.

Spending time creating these adventures with you makes me smile every morning and drives me forward even through the hardest days.

Thank you for everything you do.

Your friend,