Well, okay... 70% complete :) I just completed all the scenes that we'll shoot on Tuesday at Arts West. These are the scenes that involve Forge, Maxo, the kids and teens in CPAC (Community Players Acting Club), Forge's on-screen acting club, Forge's close friend, and the CPAC acting teacher. It came out to 23 pages in a 35 page script.
The scenes yet to be written (which will be completed the week of March 19), involve a dean of students, four students, and one little sister all with Forge. But long before that occurs, I'll go on tonight to the script for Episode 9 which, one more, brings us back to CPAC and two new teachers. For Episode 9, I only need to write the live segments that we'll shoot on Tuesday as the majority of the episode is actually animated with paper craft; the actor's will record their voice work at a later date -- after the script is 100% completed in April (after the premiere!).
Whew! But first... a little dinner, I think. And maybe another cup of coffee... and one of those strange, blue energy drinks... and some chocolate. And maybe a few homemade chocolate-covered espresso beans :)