"Ghost Sniffers" Allows Siblings with Disabilities to Shine
Overcoming Type 1 Diabetes and Autism,
Overcoming Type 1 Diabetes and Autism,
two Washington kids take on the entertainment world.
In “Ghost Sniffers,” a new online dramedy in its first season, nine-year-old Faith Forge is the fierce and feisty owner of Ghost Sniffers, Inc., a paranormal investigation firm. Forge employs a bevy of wacky assistants, including her brother Maxo, to help her sniff out the truth behind ghostly reports from bizarre clients.
But this witty, wry series isn’t the whole story. The two leads are played by real life sister and brother, Faith and Maxwell DiMarco. Like their characters, Faith lives with Type 1 (Juvenile) Diabetes and Maxwell is autistic.
“My goal with ‘Ghost Sniffers’ is to show how strong these disabilities can make a child. Faith and Maxwell are the focused, decent, driven kids they are today because of what they’ve had to overcome,” says Jennifer DiMarco, the series writer and director, as well as Faith and Maxwell’s mother.
Season One includes twelve thirty minute episodes full of dry humor, ridiculous sight gags and pop culture in-jokes, as well as three public service announcements that focus on Type 1, Asperger’s, and art in the schools.
The director explains, “We’re casting now across Washington for a variety of roles; production is underway for episodes two and three. The series story arch is designed to empower kids – especially kids dealing with daily challenges.”
The director explains, “We’re casting now across Washington for a variety of roles; production is underway for episodes two and three. The series story arch is designed to empower kids – especially kids dealing with daily challenges.”
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